Child & Spousal Support | Attorney Anthony Montagna Family & Criminal Law in Norfolk, Virginia Beach & Suffolk
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Child and Spousal Support FAQs

A divorce is difficult enough without having to worry about you will support yourself and your family. Here are some answers to common child and spousal support questions. Montagna Klein Camden is ready and waiting to answer your specific inquiries and get you the money you and your children deserve. Call or contact us today

How is child support determined in the state of Virginia?

Virginia courts typically calculate child support based on custody arrangement, combined monthly gross income of the parents and the special needs/costs of the child or children involved. Visit “How to Calculate Child Support” for more information and for a schedule of monthly child support obligations, see Section 20-108.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Child support is often difficult to calculate without the assistance of legal counsel. Call the family law attorneys at Montagna Klein Camden to get the money you deserve.

Can my spouse be ordered by the court to help with college expenses?

No. While you and the other parent may agree privately to co-fund your child’s college education, child support obligations extend until the following criteria are met, or until the child turns 18, or graduates high school. If the child in question is incapacitated such that he or she cannot work and must remain under the care of the custodial parent, child support is required indefinitely. Conversely, the support order may be cut short if the child is emancipated, married or joins the armed forces after age 16. Support orders are not “one size fits all.” It’s best to seek legal advice and representation.

What if the other parent fails to pay his or her court ordered support?

If the other party is behind on payments or fails to pay court ordered child support, contact legal counsel right away. An attorney of Montagna Klein Camden can help resolve child support disputes and representing those affected by such negligence. Contact us today.

What is spousal support and how is it calculated?

Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is a lump sum or periodic payment ordered to be paid from one party to another in the event of divorce, annulment or affirmation of a marriage. Under Section 20-103(A)(i) and (ii), of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the court may enter any order “(i) to compel a spouse to pay any sums necessary for the maintenance and support of the petitioning spouse, including an order that the other spouse provide health care coverage for the petitioning spouse, unless it is shown that such coverage cannot be obtained, (ii) to enable such spouse to carry on the suit.” Visit “What is Spousal Support and Maintenance?” for more information.

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