Governor McDonnell Loses Appeal - Montagna Family & Criminal Law
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Governor McDonnell Loses Appeal

It was a sad day in Virginia recently. Former Virginia Governor McDonnell’s conviction was affirmed by the appeals Court. Most people believe Governor McDonnell is a good man. However, the appeals court found the evidence sufficient to uphold his federal court conviction.

By losing the appeal, the likelihood of Governor McDonnell serving prison time became more real. McDonnell was sentenced to 24 months in prison for corruption charges stemming from a political scandal. It was alleged that McDonnell and his wife, Maureen McDonnell, received gifts from then-CEO of Star Scientific Inc., Jonnie R. Williams.

Although McDonnell’s legal team professes a desire to pursue further all other appeal options, he does not have the upper hand. By losing this appeal, McDonnell’s wife can also reasonably expect to lose her appeal.

Sending McDonnell to prison can only be seen as a deterrent. In the future, politicians may think twice before accepting lavish gifts. However, I am saddened with the thought of a good man going to prison.