Property Division
Understanding Property Division During a Divorce
In a divorce in Norfolk, Newport News or Virginia Beach, individuals involved often do not understand the factors the court considers in property division and how property division occurs. The Norfolk divorce lawyer, Anthony Montagna, will help you understand property division, equitable distribution, and property classifications.
Anthony can also help you understand how separate property can evolve into part marital property or hybrid property, the intricacies of hybrid property and the Brandenburg formula. Many people do not know if inheritances and gifts are divisible. When talking to our Newport News divorce lawyer, you will leave your appointment confident with the understanding what property rights you have.
With decades of experience, Anthony Montagna will fight for you and protect your property. The Norfolk divorce lawyers at Montagna Klein Camden can explain how your Navy or military pension is divided or the need for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order for a civilian pension. Do not be satisfied with representation by less qualified lawyers. Demand the best and seek the guidance of Anthony Montagna, III.
Contact Montagna Klein Camden, L.L.P.
Times change and the law is evolving. Contact the property division attorneys at Montagna Klein Camden for a free consultation and help with your divorce or property division dispute at 877-622-8100 or by completing the online contact form.